Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My life...

is all about them.  Them as in the 3 little ones that came from me, them as in my husband, who didn't come from me, but is now a part of me, and them, as in the dog and cat (more so the cat, cause I just love cats!!) and last, other important people in my life, including myself!

Each day, I take care of the mundane parts of parenting, then I move into my "work zone" and my "projects".  Which can end up being anything and everything.  I'll admit I have a few issues (ADD'ish/OCD'ish) with starting one project and getting another one going at the same time.  BUT, I do finally end up finishing them all.

I'm a self proclaimed Jen-Of-All-Trades, and Google is my BFF!!!  You can truly learn to do anything, and I mean almost ANYTHING with Google!!!  My problem is that I tend to read a few posts about something I'm wanting to do and consider myself an expert!!  Fun stuff I say!  I get it right more times than not, but there's always some drama, read; underlying damage that has to be overcome.  Luckily I have a very awesome and understanding father that comes to my rescue!!  (poor man is always on call when it comes to me)  I'm sure my husband, who is also always on call, now cringes when he gets mid-day calls from me as I usually just text him under normal situations.  Our typical "oh crap" phone calls go something like this:

(Phone)  Ring....  Ring...
(K)  "What have you done now?"
(Me)  "What, no hello?"
(K)  "Hello, now what is this going to cost me?"
(Me)  "hello to you too and well...."

Yup, that's our day time phone calls.  The last one was basically a plumbing fixture explosion where good ol' H2O was hitting the ceiling and I'm screaming for my 3 year old to hand me some tools, the 1 year old toddles back, takes one look and hits the hallway as fast as his lil feet would take him.  But no, in all seriousness, I'm still thankful it wasn't the hot water knob.  That would have been painful!

I truly have a warm place in my heart for power tools.  Anytime I've done a project with out a saw or drill, I just thank our good Lord for the inventors of those tools and then say over and over that for years, they were all doing it like me, as sweat is running down my forehead, my back and in between my little ta-ta's.  K's face was hilarious when I asked him for a chainsaw!  It was really special!  Ha!

My favorite power tool of the moment is my sewing machine.  I recently finished my little craft nook downstairs.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my lil nook!!!!

Oh well, lot's more to come!!

My latest project!  This little nook used to just have cast off furniture.  Wish the piano wasn't there, but no where else to move it.  Boo...  

Below are some AFTER-BEFORE the final product...

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