Monday, November 7, 2011

Ceiling Fan Blade Iron 're-fashion"

My little cousin, well, not little, she's a TEENAGER, recently had her first teenage bedroom make-over.  The little girl room, with all it's pastel beauty is gone and in it's place is the contemporary, adult'ish, I'm growing up palette of young womanhood.  I STILL remember my teenage room make-over.  *sigh*...  Went from Care Bears to all white and ruffles.  20 years later (wow, that sounds OLD), but yes, 20 years later, I still have that comforter.  It's been stitched and sewn quite a bit, but it's so soft.  I just can't part with it.

Anyway, on to the point of my story, my big cousin asked me if I could paint her big girl's ceiling fan irons.  Of course I would!!  Anything for our little lady!!

A blank little flower slate!!

painters tape and a blade
cut away the tape

Tape the whole iron and then tape the ends in some grocery bags

low grit Steele wool

I decided to hot glue the center of the flower, thought it would be easier than taping.  Didn't  "pop" off as easily as I wanted, but got a nice clean end result.

prime, black then silver

The black

the silver on top of the black

Now I took a firm brush to the silver while still damp to smudge the black back

Watching paint dry...  

I used the metallic silver Painters pen to touch up around the edge.

The best accident control I've found yet!  Takes paint  oopsies off almost everything.  Including wood floors.


Brushed nickle looking flower blade irons!!
Wish the pictures showed the true color better.  Oh well...

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