Friday, November 4, 2011

Pin Cushion Chair

I recently stopped by my Father-in-Law's home to get my late Mother-in-Law's sewing gear.  While there, I found this little cutie!

 I thought for sure that Kris's grandfather made it, but there was a label in the drawer with another name.  Anyway, I couldn't wait to update it!!!

As I was going through all the beautiful fabric that Mimi brought me, a few pieces stood out from my past.  Don't you love it when you see a piece of fabric, or furniture, or some other little something from your past and you get that warm feeling all over?  Well, in Granny's container of quilting fabric, there were quite a few of those warm fabrics.  One was the fabric from my "Bullfrogs and Butterflies" church cantata/program when I was a child.  I was a butterfly!  The one I used to "reupholster" my MIL's pin cushion chair was one of those fabrics.   I'm not super sure where it was in my past, but I remember it and I LOVE it.  There wasn't much left, so I knew it would be just perfect for this little project!

After uncovering the cushions, I found that I wasn't the first person to "reupholster" this bad boy...

Not too bad!

That was some dirtiness, I'm sure from the wood backing, but ...

After a coat of primer, some black satin paint and a squirt of pink paint, this is the 'new' chair!  I just love to look at it!!

Ever time I see it. I just have to smile!  I automatically think of my beautiful MIL AND get that warm feeling all over from childhood!  Little bit of heaven I say!!!

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