Friday, November 4, 2011


I did it!  I FINALLY made a wearable pair of straight/skinny pants out of some too big ones!!!

I was SO excited, yet Kris didn't seem to share my excitement.  Go figure!!  ha!!

Drum roll please....

(and by golly, I didn't take a real before, because I've been "FAIL"'ing up till today, so I pieced them back together to give you an idea...)

Before (sort of)

On yours truly

While sewing, this got nicked by my rotary cutter I think.
Used the only patch I had.  Blue jean.  Hmm!

Anywho, I'm so dern excited!!!  I have used this tute for all my trials on making big pants to skinnys.  It's NEVER, ever worked for me until now!  It' finally 'clicked'!!  Mimi was here on one of my trials, it FAIL'ed as well, but not today!!!!  YAAAYYY for me!!  It worked with a few hiccups!!!  I'm okay with that.  I now have some GREEN skinny pants/leggings to wear with some funky boots!!  Or, may not ever wear them!!  Ha!!!

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