Thursday, November 10, 2011

Completing it!!

I finally thought of something to do with the rest of the fabric from my Aunt's dress!! 

 Remember this:  

I turned the under part of the dress into a skirt,

and a cami,

but was totally stumped on what I wanted to do with this. 

I thought maybe a tunic, but the sleeves were really weird and the neck was cut really low.  So, I tried to make a tunic like this

Too baby-doll dress'ish.  Not me when not pregnant!

Found a boring black t-shirt in the closet and decided to use it and try to make my vision come true.

I cut 3 inch strips on the bias so it would stretch with the knit in my t-shirt.

Pinned my strips to the inside of the black shirt and then sewed them on.

Cut away the t-shirt very carefully!!

And taa-daa!!!  It worked!

Of course Kris said it looked like I had a little run in with Freddy Krueger.  Whatev...  I would so win that battle with all my blades!!!  Not to mention all the pins to poke in his eyes!!  Ha!

Allie taking some pictures of me in my new shirt!!

And this is for Mimi, the pic of my skirt I wore to church on Sunday...  Sorry it's taken so long!!

I really hate having my pic taken.  Feel like a goober!!  

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