Friday, November 4, 2011

My new fabric!!

This past Monday, my aunt (we call her Mimi), brought me the mother load of fun!!  She brought fabric, fabric and more fabric.  This included fabric she had purchased as well as fabric that was handed down from my Granny, her mom, and my late great-Aunt Sarah, who was Granny's sister. Oh, the fabric, the lace, the trimmings.  They are all SO beautiful and I can't wait to do some projects!

Three generations of knits and woven

Fleece and a few knits

Linen and remnants

The red basket, under the mirror is just some of the lace

My first project with some of the 2nd generation fabric. More to be forth coming

I had SO much fun RE-organizing my reorganized nook!  Amongst the fabric and lace, she also brought me a bunch of clothes that she didn't wear.  Some came from her, some from Aunt Sarah.  I have already played with one two piece dress,  here's a lil' teaser!


1980's called...  I'm not answering!!  I LOVE this fabric...  AND the pleats!!

The under slip

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